The political khowledge, awareness, impact, collective power, and space for local citizens, youth, women, marginalized, and minority groups will be enhanced to promote social justice, public interest, and improve their quality of life.
Women especially low-income, rural, single-parent, elderly, marginalized, and minority women with young children, will increase their capacity and collective power to define, express, protect, and advance their economic interests.
Women, youth, local communities, and groups will expand their capacity to create and spread a positive culture by changing sociocultural norms that encourage power imbalance, discrimination, and violence based on patriarchy and gender inequality.
A methodology, team, and community will be established to advance feminist legal theory and practice with the aim of enhancing the understanding and capacity of women, youth, and low-income individuals to legally safeguard their economic, sexual, and reproductive rights.
Network office, members, and partners will embody feminist values and principles into their work and life, strenghten solidarity, and buikd capacity to create a movement, strengthening and expanding a national feminsit movement that can advance social justice through structural chane.