With the support of the Asia Foundation, the MONFEMNET National Network held the 2nd Core Team Capacity Building training on February 13-15, 2023 at the Mongolica Resort as part of the Women’s Economic Empowerment project.

The training agenda covered the following areas of discussion.

  1. Enkhjargal, National Coordinator of the MONFEMNET National Network, moderated the session on “Transition Reflections” and enabled the participants to reflect how the positive and negative consequences of the past system’s transition affect our lives today, particularly women.
  2. Gombojav, researcher and economist, and translator of the books “Shock Sermon” and “The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism” provided an insightful session on the basic concepts of the economy and the system, as well as their correlations and consequences through the themes- “The Basic Causes of Inequality” and “Civil Society Values” and motivated the audience to investigate further and conduct analysis.
  3. Urantsooj, Head of the Center for Human Rights and Development, informed on the concept of “Development Funding”, its metrics, targets, indicators and monitoring, as well as what the world is aiming for in terms of sustainable development.
  4. Tungalag, General Coordinator of the National Coalition of Civil Society “Education for All!” presented on the cases of how certain systemic and economic implications affect the education sector and establish common interests.

Training day 2

  1. Solongo, PhD and Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, NUM examined the challenges confronting women’s economic rights and empowerment in four domains, and the results of case studies/analysis were produced on four issues.
  2. Sukhjargalmaa, National Gender Expert and B. Otgontugs, Professor of Economics, Business School, School of Social Sciences, NUM informed on the issues of “Care Economy” and “Why is gender important in the economy?”. The insights enhanced enthusiasm, motivation, and capacity of the audience to analyze concepts about the economy and the system as well as the real practice.

Training day 3

  1. Munkh-Erdene, Senior Lecturer, the Department of Anthropology and Archeology, NUM, presented a fascinating talk on the topic “Development and Inequality.”

Furthermore, the core team members- the training attendants evaluated the training needs, requirements, and importance and agreed that “economic and systemic problems are topics that every institution and individual involved in the field of women’s rights and gender equality should be aware of, and seek to improve, the situation.”