SASA! Mobilizing Communities for Preventing Violence Against Women

SASA! Mobilizing Communities for Preventing Violence Against Women

SASA! is human rights based and focuses on eliminating the root causes of violence against women, namely the power inequality between men and women and the social norms that support it. The project sought to contribute towards building national capacity on violence prevention by introducing the SASA! methodology – a benefits-based approach to community-wide mobilization for prevention of violence against women. More about

  1. Description of actual services provided by your organization.

SASA! Methodology aims to prevention and responses to VAW and help to achieve the following:

  • Deeper understanding of power and connections between power and violence against women,
  • Stronger critical understanding of patriarchal culture and gender norms, which support unequal gender relations and lead to VAW,
  • Greater understanding of community activism and movement building as necessary strategies for effective actions to end VAW,
  • Enhanced communication, community facilitation and training skills,
  • Enhanced networking and collaboration among participants/stakeholders.

To support the SASA! Activists’ Network and maximize the impact of the small project, MONFEMNET developed 3 brochures based on the SASA! Activist Toolkit: an introduction to SASA!, a training manual, and a brochure containing tips on the implementation of SASA!

Currently, over 300 SASA! Activists are trained and sharing their knowledge and experineces in various sectors in nationwide.