“All For Education!” National Coalition of Civil Society!

“All For Education!” National Coalition of Civil Society!

In 2010, the MONFEMNET National Network undertook significant initiatives and efforts towards establishing a new civil society coalition that operates based on human rights and gender equality principles. The coalition aimed to be transparent, democratic, and influential in education policy while providing methodological and technical support.

After seven months of intense discussions, the coalition formulated its mission, goals, values, and principles, leading to the establishment of the National Coalition of Civil Society “All For Education” in September 2010.

The coalition comprises various social organizations, including human rights organizations, women’s and children’s rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs), NGOs for disabled people, children and youth self-management groups, trade unions, national and sexual minority NGOs, consumer protection NGOs, and educational NGOs. It unites 34 social organizations with the shared objective of promoting human rights, gender equality, education, and democracy.
